Tuzig Software Services

Led by Benny Daon, our services are focused on making developers happy while developing better code, tests and docs.

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Check out Terminal7 an open source WebRTC based terminal emulator and multiplexer we lead

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The boyscout rule in software development

The boyscout rule is a simple rule that can be applied to many commons. It says: “Leave the campground cleaner than you found it”. It’s probably the best way to keep a common space clean and tidy. It’s also a great way to control technical debt in a software project.

Release Management for the one-man-gang

In Terminal 7 I do it all. I manage the product, design & architect it, code the frontend, the backend and take care of devops. While wearing all these hats is fun, past failures taught me that it is also dangerous. I might end up switching hats too often, running around in circles, while the program looses stability.

Freeing a Yuck

A couple of weeks ago, I walked into the CEO’s office for a chat.
We’ve talked about what we should do next, now that we’ve completed opening the legacy DB with an API. Dan called it getting our Yack on the truck and it freaked me.

Planning Game on a Pool Table

I’m just back from a great Open Knesset meetup. There were seven of us, a pool table and lots of free goldstar beer (thanks to amir from goldstar) in the “Rosa Parks”. It was great fun.